19 Minutes
This book that I just started to read is call 19 Minutes by Jodi Picoult. This book is about a school shooting that is happening in a suburban high school. It has many different peoples views from the shooting. It has the main character (a girl), her mom (who's a judge), the shooter, the shooters mom and the shooters dad from what I have read so far. In this book, the shooter was still attending the school and had been attending the school since about 1st grade. From the first day of school 1st grade, he had been bullied by all the students in the grade. His only friend was Josie. She was the only person who ever stood up for him. All the way up until about 8th grade when she began coming part of the crowd who was mean to him. Never did anything mean to him, but didn't stand up for him either, which is(in my about worst then bullying him. This put Peter in a state of mine that lead him to kill all those people that had been mean to him.
I think that the power of bullying is very strong. When you torture somebody for that long, and expect them not to do anything about it, you would be wrong. I think the two options that most kids go to after many year of severe bullying, is suicide or violence. I think that Bullying is one of the biggest problem in our world. I think that we ned to take more action immediately and stop it. Just like it affected Peter, you can lose control of yourself and do things that people wouldn't even comprehend if they hadn't been bullied for as long as he had. I think that people need to stop and think about what they are doing to somebody, and what the repercussions should and could be.