Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Uglies


In this part of the book, Tally does end up going to the hidden camp. She does not go on her own will though. She really wants to go and meet her best friend on the other side of Pretty-Ville who was already a pretty. She wants to feel herself be beautiful. Shay had given her a series of very oblique directions to lead her to the hidden town, so the special circumstances wouldn't be able to find them. The special circumstances are people who keep their society in order, and also make sure that more little societies don't spring up as well. Tally is sent to go to the town and send a signal to the Special Circumstance that that is where the town is. When Tally gets there, she starts to realize that maybe everything isn't about being pretty. That there are more important things in the world than that like love, personality and characteristics. She doesn't want to expose this beautiful world that they have created.

I think that this a huge change in character. To have somebody who believed that looks were so much, and then have them realize that looks aren't everything. I think that physical looks in our world is also a big problem. People acre so much about how much they look, that they forget that what's on the inside is what's most important. People in our generation are becoming more and more oblivious and stupid because they concentrate on how they look for their whole lives. This problem of physical appearance also connects to three huge problem, that are bullying, body image, and peer pressure. People get bullied for what they look like. People feel self conscience because they are different from what everybody else is doing. Lastly people feel like they should change and look like everybody else, and change how they look. In the end they are just changing what makes them who they are just for everybody's approval.


At February 2, 2013 at 1:11 PM , Blogger Holly Hutchinson said...

Great post Celia! I have also read this book, and it got me thinking about looks too. I agree that looks aren't everything, and I think that a society based on it is just a sad thing. Why can't people just accept others for who they are?

At February 3, 2013 at 3:52 PM , Blogger Sadia Ahmed said...

That was a really good post Celia! I completely agree with you about the part that it doesn't matter how you look but how you are on the inside. I think that the bullies are the main problem because they can't accept people for how they look they just have to make fun of them. When the people get made fin of they get very self conscience and they want to change the way they look. The bullies need to accept the way other people are and people need the accept the way they are and ignore people who criticize them for the way they look.


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